Source code for bravo.blocks

from __future__ import division

faces = ("-y", "+y", "-z", "+z", "-x", "+x")

[docs]class Block(object): """ A model for a block. There are lots of rules and properties specific to different types of blocks. This class encapsulates those properties in a singleton-style interface, allowing many blocks to be referenced in one location. The basic idea of this class is to provide some centralized data and information about blocks, in order to abstract away as many special cases as possible. In general, if several blocks all have some special behavior, then it may be worthwhile to store data describing that behavior on this class rather than special-casing it in multiple places. """ __slots__ = ( "_f_dict", "_o_dict", "breakable", "dim", "drop", "key", "name", "quantity", "ratio", "replace", "slot", "vanishes", ) def __init__(self, slot, name, secondary=0, drop=None, replace=0, ratio=1, quantity=1, dim=16, breakable=True, orientation=None, vanishes=False): """ :param int slot: The index of this block. Must be globally unique. :param str name: A common name for this block. :param int secondary: The metadata/damage/secondary attribute for this block. Defaults to zero. :param tuple drop: The type of block that should be dropped when an instance of this block is destroyed. Defaults to the block value, to drop instances of this same type of block. To indicate that this block does not drop anything, set to air (0, 0). :param int replace: The type of block to place in the map when instances of this block are destroyed. Defaults to air. :param float ratio: The probability of this block dropping a block on destruction. :param int quantity: The number of blocks dropped when this block is destroyed. :param int dim: How much light dims when passing through this kind of block. Defaults to 16 = opaque block. :param bool breakable: Whether this block is diggable, breakable, bombable, explodeable, etc. Only a few blocks actually genuinely cannot be broken, so the default is True. :param tuple orientation: The orientation data for a block. See :meth:`orientable` for an explanation. The data should be in standard face order. :param bool vanishes: Whether this block vanishes, or is replaced by, another block when built upon. """ self.slot = slot = name self.key = (self.slot, secondary) if drop is None: self.drop = self.key else: self.drop = drop self.replace = replace self.ratio = ratio self.quantity = quantity self.dim = dim self.breakable = breakable self.vanishes = vanishes if orientation: self._o_dict = dict(zip(faces, orientation)) self._f_dict = dict(zip(orientation, faces)) else: self._o_dict = self._f_dict = {} def __str__(self): """ Fairly verbose explanation of what this block is capable of. """ attributes = [] if not self.breakable: attributes.append("unbreakable") if self.dim == 0: attributes.append("transparent") elif self.dim < 16: attributes.append("translucent (%d)" % self.dim) if self.replace: attributes.append("becomes %d" % self.replace) if self.ratio != 1 or self.quantity > 1 or self.drop != self.key: attributes.append("drops %r (key %r, rate %2.2f%%)" % (self.quantity, self.drop, self.ratio * 100)) if attributes: attributes = ": %s" % ", ".join(attributes) else: attributes = "" return "Block(%r %r%s)" % (self.key,, attributes) __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def orientable(self): """ Whether this block can be oriented. Orientable blocks are positioned according to the face on which they are built. They may not be buildable on all faces. Blocks are only orientable if their metadata can be used to directly and uniquely determine the face against which they were built. Ladders are orientable, signposts are not. :rtype: bool :returns: True if this block can be oriented, False if not. """ return bool(self._o_dict)
[docs] def face(self, metadata): """ Retrieve the face for given metadata corresponding to an orientation, or None if the metadata is invalid for this block. This method only returns valid data for orientable blocks; check :meth:`orientable` first. """ return self._f_dict.get(metadata)
[docs] def orientation(self, face): """ Retrieve the metadata for a certain orientation, or None if this block cannot be built against the given face. This method only returns valid data for orientable blocks; check :meth:`orientable` first. """ return self._o_dict.get(face)
[docs]class Item(object): """ An item. """ __slots__ = ( "key", "name", "slot", ) def __init__(self, slot, name, secondary=0): self.slot = slot = name self.key = (self.slot, secondary) def __str__(self): return "Item(%r %r)" % (self.key, __repr__ = __str__
block_names = [ "air", # 0x0 "stone", "grass", "dirt", "cobblestone", "wood", "sapling", "bedrock", "water", "spring", "lava", "lava-spring", "sand", "gravel", "gold-ore", "iron-ore", "coal-ore", # 0x10 "log", "leaves", "sponge", "glass", "lapis-lazuli-ore", "lapis-lazuli-block", "dispenser", "sandstone", "note-block", "bed-block", "powered-rail", "detector-rail", "sticky-piston", "spider-web", "tall-grass", "shrub", # 0x20 "piston", "", "wool", "", "flower", "rose", "brown-mushroom", "red-mushroom", "gold", "iron", "double-step", "step", "brick", "tnt", "bookshelf", "mossy-cobblestone", # 0x30 "obsidian", "torch", "fire", "mob-spawner", "wooden-stairs", "chest", "redstone-wire", "diamond-ore", "diamond-block", "workbench", "crops", "soil", "furnace", "burning-furnace", "signpost", "wooden-door-block", # 0x40 "ladder", "tracks", "stone-stairs", "wall-sign", "lever", "stone-plate", "iron-door-block", "wooden-plate", "redstone-ore", "glowing-redstone-ore", "redstone-torch-off", "redstone-torch", "stone-button", "snow", "ice", "snow-block", # 0x50 "cactus", "clay", "reed", "jukebox", "fence", "pumpkin", "brimstone", "slow-sand", "lightstone", "portal", "jack-o-lantern", "cake-block", "redstone-repeater-off", "redstone-repeater-on", "locked-chest", "trapdoor", # 0x60 "hidden-silverfish", "stone-brick", "huge-brown-mushroom", "huge-red-mushroom", "iron-bars", "glass-pane", "melon", "pumpkin-stem", "melon-stem", "vine", "fence-gate", "brick-stairs", "stone-brick-stairs", "mycelium", "lily-pad", "nether-brick", # 0x70 "nether-brick-fence", "nether-brick-stairs", "nether-wart-block", # 0x73 "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", # 0x80 "emerald-ore", "", "", "", "emerald-block", # 0x85 ] item_names = [ "iron-shovel", # 0x100 "iron-pickaxe", "iron-axe", "flint-and-steel", "apple", "bow", "arrow", "coal", "diamond", "iron-ingot", "gold-ingot", "iron-sword", "wooden-sword", "wooden-shovel", "wooden-pickaxe", "wooden-axe", "stone-sword", # 0x110 "stone-shovel", "stone-pickaxe", "stone-axe", "diamond-sword", "diamond-shovel", "diamond-pickaxe", "diamond-axe", "stick", "bowl", "mushroom-soup", "gold-sword", "gold-shovel", "gold-pickaxe", "gold-axe", "string", "feather", # 0x120 "sulphur", "wooden-hoe", "stone-hoe", "iron-hoe", "diamond-hoe", "gold-hoe", "seeds", "wheat", "bread", "leather-helmet", "leather-chestplate", "leather-leggings", "leather-boots", "chainmail-helmet", "chainmail-chestplate", "chainmail-leggings", # 0x130 "chainmail-boots", "iron-helmet", "iron-chestplate", "iron-leggings", "iron-boots", "diamond-helmet", "diamond-chestplate", "diamond-leggings", "diamond-boots", "gold-helmet", "gold-chestplate", "gold-leggings", "gold-boots", "flint", "raw-porkchop", "cooked-porkchop", # 0x140 "paintings", "golden-apple", "sign", "wooden-door", "bucket", "water-bucket", "lava-bucket", "mine-cart", "saddle", "iron-door", "redstone", "snowball", "boat", "leather", "milk", "clay-brick", # 0x150 "clay-balls", "sugar-cane", "paper", "book", "slimeball", "storage-minecart", "powered-minecart", "egg", "compass", "fishing-rod", "clock", "glowstone-dust", "raw-fish", "cooked-fish", "dye", "bone", # 0x160 "sugar", "cake", "bed", "redstone-repeater", "cookie", "map", "shears", "melon-slice", "pumpkin-seeds", "melon-seeds", "raw-beef", "steak", "raw-chicken", "cooked-chicken", "rotten-flesh", "ender-pearl", # 0x170 "blaze-rod", "ghast-tear", "gold-nugget", "nether-wart", "potions", "glass-bottle", "spider-eye", "fermented-spider-eye", "blaze-powder", "magma-cream", # 0x17a "", "", "", "", "", "", # 0x180 "", "", "", "emerald", #0x184 ] special_item_names = [ "gold-music-disc", "green-music-disc", "blocks-music-disc", "chirp-music-disc", "far-music-disc" ] dye_names = [ "ink-sac", "red-dye", "green-dye", "cocoa-beans", "lapis-lazuli", "purple-dye", "cyan-dye", "light-gray-dye", "gray-dye", "pink-dye", "lime-dye", "yellow-dye", "light-blue-dye", "magenta-dye", "orange-dye", "bone-meal", ] wool_names = [ "white-wool", "orange-wool", "magenta-wool", "light-blue-wool", "yellow-wool", "lime-wool", "pink-wool", "gray-wool", "light-gray-wool", "cyan-wool", "purple-wool", "blue-wool", "brown-wool", "dark-green-wool", "red-wool", "black-wool", ] sapling_names = [ "normal-sapling", "pine-sapling", "birch-sapling", "jungle-sapling", ] log_names = [ "normal-log", "pine-log", "birch-log", "jungle-log", ] leaf_names = [ "normal-leaf", "pine-leaf", "birch-leaf", "jungle-leaf", ] coal_names = [ "normal-coal", "charcoal", ] step_names = [ "stone-step", "sandstone-step", "wooden-step", "cobblestone-step", ] drops = {} # Block -> block drops. # If the drop block is zero, then it drops nothing. drops[1] = (4, 0) # Stone -> Cobblestone drops[2] = (3, 0) # Grass -> Dirt drops[20] = (0, 0) # Glass drops[52] = (0, 0) # Mob spawner drops[60] = (3, 0) # Soil -> Dirt drops[62] = (61, 0) # Burning Furnace -> Furnace drops[78] = (0, 0) # Snow # Block -> item drops. drops[16] = (263, 0) # Coal Ore Block -> Coal drops[56] = (264, 0) # Diamond Ore Block -> Diamond drops[63] = (323, 0) # Sign Post -> Sign Item drops[68] = (323, 0) # Wall Sign -> Sign Item drops[83] = (338, 0) # Reed -> Reed Item drops[89] = (348, 0) # Lightstone -> Lightstone Dust drops[93] = (356, 0) # Redstone Repeater, on -> Redstone Repeater drops[94] = (356, 0) # Redstone Repeater, off -> Redstone Repeater drops[97] = (0, 0) # Hidden Silverfish drops[110] = (3, 0) # Mycelium -> Dirt drops[111] = (0, 0) # Lily Pad drops[115] = (372, 0) # Nether Wart BLock -> Nether Wart unbreakables = set() unbreakables.add(0) # Air unbreakables.add(7) # Bedrock unbreakables.add(10) # Lava unbreakables.add(11) # Lava spring # When one of these is targeted and a block is placed, these are replaced softblocks = set() softblocks.add(30) # Cobweb softblocks.add(31) # Tall grass softblocks.add(70) # Snow softblocks.add(106) # Vines dims = {} dims[0] = 0 # Air dims[6] = 0 # Sapling dims[10] = 0 # Lava dims[11] = 0 # Lava spring dims[20] = 0 # Glass dims[26] = 0 # Bed dims[37] = 0 # Yellow Flowers dims[38] = 0 # Red Flowers dims[39] = 0 # Brown Mushrooms dims[40] = 0 # Red Mushrooms dims[44] = 0 # Single Step dims[51] = 0 # Fire dims[52] = 0 # Mob spawner dims[53] = 0 # Wooden stairs dims[55] = 0 # Redstone (Wire) dims[59] = 0 # Crops dims[60] = 0 # Soil dims[63] = 0 # Sign dims[64] = 0 # Wood door dims[66] = 0 # Rails dims[67] = 0 # Stone stairs dims[68] = 0 # Sign (on wall) dims[69] = 0 # Lever dims[70] = 0 # Stone Pressure Plate dims[71] = 0 # Iron door dims[72] = 0 # Wood Pressure Plate dims[78] = 0 # Snow dims[81] = 0 # Cactus dims[83] = 0 # Sugar Cane dims[85] = 0 # Fence dims[90] = 0 # Portal dims[92] = 0 # Cake dims[93] = 0 # redstone-repeater-off dims[94] = 0 # redstone-repeater-on blocks = {} """ A dictionary of ``Block`` objects. This dictionary can be indexed by slot number or block name. """ def _add_block(block): blocks[block.slot] = block blocks[] = block # Special blocks. Please remember to comment *what* makes the block special; # most of us don't have all blocks memorized yet. # Water (both kinds) is unbreakable, and dims by 3. _add_block(Block(8, "water", breakable=False, dim=3)) _add_block(Block(9, "spring", breakable=False, dim=3)) # Gravel drops flint, with 1 in 10 odds. _add_block(Block(13, "gravel", drop=(318, 0), ratio=1 / 10)) # Leaves drop saplings, with 1 in 9 odds, and dims by 1. _add_block(Block(18, "leaves", drop=(6, 0), ratio=1 / 9, dim=1)) # Lapis lazuli ore drops 6 lapis lazuli items. _add_block(Block(21, "lapis-lazuli-ore", drop=(351, 4), quantity=6)) # Beds are orientable and drops Bed Item _add_block(Block(26, "bed-block", drop=(355, 0), orientation=(None, None, 2, 0, 1, 3))) # Torches are orientable and don't dim. _add_block(Block(50, "torch", orientation=(None, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1), dim=0)) # Chests are orientable. _add_block(Block(54, "chest", orientation=(None, None, 2, 3, 4, 5))) # Furnaces are orientable. _add_block(Block(61, "furnace", orientation=(None, None, 2, 3, 4, 5))) # Wooden Door is orientable and drops Wooden Door item _add_block(Block(64, "wooden-door-block", drop=(324, 0), orientation=(None, None, 1, 3, 0, 2))) # Ladders are orientable and don't dim. _add_block(Block(65, "ladder", orientation=(None, None, 2, 3, 4, 5), dim=0)) # Levers are orientable and don't dim. Additionally, levers have special hax # to be orientable two different ways. _add_block(Block(69, "lever", orientation=(None, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1), dim=0)) blocks["lever"]._f_dict.update( {13: "+y", 12: "-z", 11: "+z", 10: "-x", 9: "+x"}) # Iron Door is orientable and drops Iron Door item _add_block(Block(71, "iron-door-block", drop=(330, 0), orientation=(None, None, 1, 3, 0, 2))) # Redstone ore drops 5 redstone dusts. _add_block(Block(73, "redstone-ore", drop=(331, 0), quantity=5)) _add_block(Block(74, "glowing-redstone-ore", drop=(331, 0), quantity=5)) # Redstone torches are orientable and don't dim. _add_block(Block(75, "redstone-torch-off", orientation=(None, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1), dim=0)) _add_block(Block(76, "redstone-torch", orientation=(None, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1), dim=0)) # Stone buttons are orientable and don't dim. _add_block(Block(77, "stone-button", orientation=(None, None, 1, 2, 3, 4), dim=0)) # Snow vanishes upon build. _add_block(Block(78, "snow", vanishes=True)) # Ice drops nothing, is replaced by springs, and dims by 3. _add_block(Block(79, "ice", drop=(0, 0), replace=9, dim=3)) # Clay drops 4 clay balls. _add_block(Block(82, "clay", drop=(337, 0), quantity=4)) # Trapdoor is orientable _add_block(Block(96, "trapdoor", orientation=(None, None, 0, 1, 2, 3))) # Giant brown mushrooms drop brown mushrooms. _add_block(Block(99, "huge-brown-mushroom", drop=(39, 0), quantity=2)) # Giant red mushrooms drop red mushrooms. _add_block(Block(100, "huge-red-mushroom", drop=(40, 0), quantity=2)) # Pumpkin stems drop pumpkin seeds. _add_block(Block(104, "pumpkin-stem", drop=(361, 0), quantity=3)) # Melon stems drop melon seeds. _add_block(Block(105, "melon-stem", drop=(362, 0), quantity=3)) for block in blocks.values(): blocks[] = block blocks[block.slot] = block items = {} """ A dictionary of ``Item`` objects. This dictionary can be indexed by slot number or block name. """ for i, name in enumerate(block_names): if not name or name in blocks: continue kwargs = {} if i in drops: kwargs["drop"] = drops[i] if i in unbreakables: kwargs["breakable"] = False if i in dims: kwargs["dim"] = dims[i] b = Block(i, name, **kwargs) _add_block(b) for i, name in enumerate(item_names): kwargs = {} i += 0x100 item = Item(i, name, **kwargs) items[i] = item items[name] = item for i, name in enumerate(special_item_names): kwargs = {} i += 0x8D0 item = Item(i, name, **kwargs) items[i] = item items[name] = item _secondary_items = { items["coal"]: coal_names, items["dye"]: dye_names, } for base_item, names in _secondary_items.iteritems(): for i, name in enumerate(names): kwargs = {} item = Item(base_item.slot, name, i, **kwargs) items[name] = item _secondary_blocks = { blocks["leaves"]: leaf_names, blocks["log"]: log_names, blocks["sapling"]: sapling_names, blocks["step"]: step_names, blocks["wool"]: wool_names, } for base_block, names in _secondary_blocks.iteritems(): for i, name in enumerate(names): kwargs = {} kwargs["drop"] = base_block.drop kwargs["breakable"] = base_block.breakable kwargs["dim"] = base_block.dim block = Block(base_block.slot, name, i, **kwargs) _add_block(block) glowing_blocks = { blocks["torch"].slot: 14, blocks["lightstone"].slot: 15, blocks["jack-o-lantern"].slot: 15, blocks["fire"].slot: 15, blocks["lava"].slot: 15, blocks["lava-spring"].slot: 15, blocks["locked-chest"].slot: 15, blocks["burning-furnace"].slot: 13, blocks["portal"].slot: 11, blocks["glowing-redstone-ore"].slot: 9, blocks["redstone-repeater-on"].slot: 9, blocks["redstone-torch"].slot: 7, blocks["brown-mushroom"].slot: 1, } armor_helmets = (86, 298, 302, 306, 310, 314) """ List of slots of helmets. Note that slot 86 (pumpkin) is a helmet. """ armor_chestplates = (299, 303, 307, 311, 315) """ List of slots of chestplates. Note that slot 303 (chainmail chestplate) is a chestplate, even though it is not normally obtainable. """ armor_leggings = (300, 304, 308, 312, 316) """ List of slots of leggings. """ armor_boots = (301, 305, 309, 313, 317) """ List of slots of boots. """ """ List of unstackable items """ unstackable = ( items["wooden-sword"].slot, items["wooden-shovel"].slot, items["wooden-pickaxe"].slot, # TODO: update the list ) """ List of fuel blocks and items maped to burn time """ furnace_fuel = { items["stick"].slot: 10, # 5s blocks["sapling"].slot: 10, # 5s blocks["wood"].slot: 30, # 15s blocks["fence"].slot: 30, # 15s blocks["wooden-stairs"].slot: 30, # 15s blocks["trapdoor"].slot: 30, # 15s blocks["log"].slot: 30, # 15s blocks["workbench"].slot: 30, # 15s blocks["bookshelf"].slot: 30, # 15s blocks["chest"].slot: 30, # 15s blocks["locked-chest"].slot: 30, # 15s blocks["jukebox"].slot: 30, # 15s blocks["note-block"].slot: 30, # 15s items["coal"].slot: 160, # 80s items["lava-bucket"].slot: 2000 # 1000s }
[docs]def parse_block(block): """ Get the key for a given block/item. """ try: if block.startswith("0x") and ( (int(block, 16) in blocks) or (int(block, 16) in items)): return (int(block, 16), 0) elif (int(block) in blocks) or (int(block) in items): return (int(block), 0) else: raise Exception("Couldn't find block id %s!" % block) except ValueError: if block in blocks: return blocks[block].key elif block in items: return items[block].key else: raise Exception("Couldn't parse block %s!" % block)