Source code for bravo.utilities.spatial

from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product
from UserDict import DictMixin

from bravo.utilities.coords import taxicab2

[docs]class SpatialDict(object, DictMixin): """ A spatial dictionary, for accelerating spatial lookups. This particular class is a template for specific spatial dictionaries; in order to make it work, subclass it and add ``key_for_bucket()``. """ def __init__(self): self.buckets = defaultdict(dict) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Add a key-value pair to the dictionary. :param tuple key: a tuple of (x, z) coordinates :param object value: an object """ bucket_key = self.key_for_bucket(key) self.buckets[bucket_key][key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): """ Retrieve a value, given a key. """ bucket_key = self.key_for_bucket(key) return self.buckets[bucket_key][key] def __delitem__(self, key): """ Remove a key and its corresponding value. """ bucket_key = self.key_for_bucket(key) del self.buckets[bucket_key][key] if not self.buckets[bucket_key]: del self.buckets[bucket_key]
[docs] def iterkeys(self): """ Yield all the keys. """ for bucket in self.buckets.itervalues(): for key in bucket.iterkeys(): yield key
[docs] def keys(self): """ Get a list of all keys in the dictionary. """ return list(self.iterkeys())
[docs] def iteritemsnear(self, key, radius): """ A version of ``iteritems()`` that filters based on the distance from a given key. The key does not need to actually be in the dictionary. """ for coords in self.keys_near(key, radius): for target, value in self.buckets[coords].iteritems(): if taxicab2(target[0], target[1], key[0], key[1]) <= radius: yield target, value
[docs] def iterkeysnear(self, key, radius): """ Yield all of the keys within a certain radius of this key. """ for k, v in self.iteritemsnear(key, radius): yield k
[docs] def itervaluesnear(self, key, radius): """ Yield all of the values within a certain radius of this key. """ for k, v in self.iteritemsnear(key, radius): yield v
[docs]class Block2DSpatialDict(SpatialDict): """ Class for tracking blocks in the XZ-plane. """
[docs] def key_for_bucket(self, key): """ Partition keys into chunk-sized buckets. """ try: return int(key[0] // 16), int(key[1] // 16) except ValueError: return KeyError("Key %s isn't usable here!" % repr(key))
[docs] def keys_near(self, key, radius): """ Get all bucket keys "near" this key. This method may return a generator. """ minx, innerx = divmod(key[0], 16) minz, innerz = divmod(key[1], 16) minx = int(minx) minz = int(minz) # Adjust for range() purposes. maxx = minx + 1 maxz = minz + 1 # Adjust for leakiness. if innerx <= radius: minx -= 1 if innerz <= radius: minz -= 1 if innerx + radius >= 16: maxx += 1 if innerz + radius >= 16: maxz += 1 # Expand as needed. expand = int(radius // 16) minx -= expand minz -= expand maxx += expand maxz += expand return product(xrange(minx, maxx), xrange(minz, maxz))
[docs]class Block3DSpatialDict(SpatialDict): """ Class for tracking blocks in the XZ-plane. """
[docs] def key_for_bucket(self, key): """ Partition keys into chunk-sized buckets. """ try: return int(key[0] // 16), int(key[1] // 16), int(key[2] // 16) except ValueError: return KeyError("Key %s isn't usable here!" % repr(key))
[docs] def keys_near(self, key, radius): """ Get all bucket keys "near" this key. This method may return a generator. """ minx, innerx = divmod(key[0], 16) miny, innery = divmod(key[1], 16) minz, innerz = divmod(key[2], 16) minx = int(minx) miny = int(miny) minz = int(minz) # Adjust for range() purposes. maxx = minx + 1 maxy = miny + 1 maxz = minz + 1 # Adjust for leakiness. if innerx <= radius: minx -= 1 if innery <= radius: miny -= 1 if innerz <= radius: minz -= 1 if innerx + radius >= 16: maxx += 1 if innery + radius >= 16: maxy += 1 if innerz + radius >= 16: maxz += 1 # Expand as needed. expand = int(radius // 16) minx -= expand miny -= expand minz -= expand maxx += expand maxy += expand maxz += expand return product( xrange(minx, maxx), xrange(miny, maxy), xrange(minz, maxz))