Source code for bravo.location

from copy import copy
from math import cos, degrees, radians, pi, sin, sqrt

from construct import Container

from bravo.beta.packets import make_packet

[docs]class Location(object): """ The position and orientation of an entity. """ __slots__ = ( "grounded", "phi", "stance", "_theta", "x", "_y", "z", ) def __init__(self): # Position in pixels. self.x = 0 self.stance = 0 self.y = 0 self.z = 0 # Orientation, in radians. # Theta and phi are like the theta and phi of spherical coordinates, # except that phi starts perpendicular to the xz-plane. self._theta = 0 self.phi = 0 # Whether we are in the air. self.grounded = False def __repr__(self): return "<Location(%s, (%d, %d (+%.6f), %d), (%.2f, %.2f))>" % ( "grounded" if self.grounded else "midair", self.x, self.y, self.stance - self.y, self.z, self.theta, self.phi) __str__ = __repr__ def _y_setter(self, value): self._y = value if not 0.1 < (self.stance - self.y) < 1.65: self.stance = self.y + 1.0 y = property(lambda self: self._y, _y_setter) def _yaw_setter(self, value): self.theta = radians(value) yaw = property(lambda self: int(round(degrees(self.theta))), _yaw_setter) def _theta_setter(self, value): # Radial clamp. self._theta = value % (pi * 2) theta = property(lambda self: self._theta, _theta_setter) def _pitch_setter(self, value): self.phi = radians(value) pitch = property(lambda self: int(round(degrees(self.phi))), _pitch_setter)
[docs] def save_to_packet(self): """ Returns a position/look/grounded packet. """ position = Container(x=self.x, y=self.stance, z=self.z, stance=self.y) orientation = Container(rotation=self.yaw, pitch=self.pitch) grounded = Container(grounded=self.grounded) packet = make_packet("location", position=position, orientation=orientation, grounded=grounded) return packet
[docs] def distance(self, other): """ Return the distance between this location and another location. Distance is measured in blocks. """ dx = (self.x - other.x)**2 dy = (self.y - other.y)**2 dz = (self.z - other.z)**2 return sqrt(dx + dy + dz)
[docs] def in_front_of(self, distance): """ Return a ``Location`` a certain number of blocks in front of this position. The orientation of the returned location is undefined. :param int distance: the number of blocks by which to offset this position """ other = copy(self) # Do some trig to put the other location a few blocks ahead of the # player in the direction they are facing. Note that all three # coordinates are "misnamed;" the unit circle actually starts at (0, # 1) and goes *backwards* towards (-1, 0). other.x = self.x - distance * sin(self.theta) other.z = self.z + distance * cos(self.theta) return other

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