Source code for bravo.plugin

from types import ModuleType
from xml.sax import saxutils

from exocet import ExclusiveMapper, getModule, load, pep302Mapper

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
from twisted.python import log

from zope.interface.exceptions import BrokenImplementation
from zope.interface.exceptions import BrokenMethodImplementation
from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject

from bravo.errors import PluginException
from bravo.ibravo import InvariantException, ISortedPlugin

blacklisted = set([
    "asyncore",        # Use Twisted's event loop.
    "ctypes",          # Segfault protection.
    "gc",              # Haha, no.
    "imp",             # Haha, no.
    "inspect",         # Haha, no.
    "multiprocessing", # Use Twisted's process interface.
    "socket",          # Use Twisted's socket interface.
    "subprocess",      # Use Twisted's process interface.
    "thread",          # Use Twisted's thread interface.
    "threading",       # Use Twisted's thread interface.
overrides = {
    "twisted.internet.reactor": reactor,
    "saxutils": saxutils,
bravoMapper = ExclusiveMapper(pep302Mapper,

[docs]def sort_plugins(plugins): """ Make a sorted list of plugins by dependency. If the list cannot be arranged into a DAG, an error will be raised. This usually means that a cyclic dependency was found. :raises PluginException: cyclic dependency detected """ l = [] d = dict((, plugin) for plugin in plugins) def visit(plugin): if plugin not in l: for name in plugin.before: if name in d: visit(d[name]) l.append(plugin) for plugin in plugins: if not any(name in d for name in plugin.after): visit(plugin) return l
[docs]def add_plugin_edges(d): """ Mirror edges to all plugins in a dictionary. """ for plugin in d.itervalues(): plugin.after = set(plugin.after) plugin.before = set(plugin.before) for name, plugin in d.iteritems(): for edge in list(plugin.before): if edge in d: d[edge].after.add(name) else: plugin.before.discard(edge) for edge in list(plugin.after): if edge in d: d[edge].before.add(name) else: plugin.after.discard(edge) return d
[docs]def expand_names(plugins, names): """ Given a list of names, expand wildcards and discard disabled names. Used to implement * and - options in plugin lists. :param dict plugins: plugins to use for expansion :param list names: names to examine :returns: a list of filtered plugin names """ # Wildcard. if "*" in names: # Get the exceptions. exceptions = set(name[1:] for name in names if name.startswith("-")) # And now the names. Everything that isn't excepted. names = [name for name in plugins.iterkeys() if name not in exceptions] return names
[docs]def verify_plugin(interface, plugin): """ Plugin interface verification. This function will call ``verifyObject()`` and ``validateInvariants()`` on the plugins passed to it. The primary purpose of this wrapper is to do logging, but it also permits code to be slightly cleaner, easier to test, and callable from other modules. """ try: verifyObject(interface, plugin) interface.validateInvariants(plugin) log.msg(" ( ^^) Plugin: %s" % except BrokenImplementation, bi: if hasattr(plugin, "name"): log.msg(" ( ~~) Plugin %s is missing attribute %r!" % (, else: log.msg(" ( >&) Plugin %s is unnamed and useless!" % plugin) except BrokenMethodImplementation, bmi: log.msg(" ( Oo) Plugin %s has a broken %s()!" % (, bmi.method)) log.msg(bmi) except InvariantException, ie: log.msg(" ( >&) Plugin %s failed validation!" % log.msg(ie) else: return plugin raise PluginException("Plugin failed verification")
[docs]def synthesize_parameters(parameters): """ Create a faked module which has the given parameters in it. This should work everywhere. If it doesn't, let me know. """ module = ModuleType("parameters") module.__dict__.update(parameters) return module
[docs]def get_plugins(interface, package, parameters=None): """ Lazily find objects in a package which implement a given interface. The objects must also implement ``twisted.plugin.IPlugin``. If the optional dictionary of parameters is provided, it will be passed into each plugin module as the "bravo.parameters" module. An example access from inside the plugin: >>> from bravo.parameters import foo, bar Since the parameters are available as a real module, the parameters may be imported and used like any other module: >>> from bravo import parameters as params This is a rewrite of Twisted's ``twisted.plugin.getPlugins`` which uses Exocet instead of Twisted to find the plugins. :param interface interface: the interface to match against :param str package: the name of the package to search :param dict parameters: parameters to pass into the plugins """ mapper = bravoMapper if parameters: mapper = mapper.withOverrides( {"bravo.parameters": synthesize_parameters(parameters)}) p = getModule(package) for pm in p.iterModules(): try: m = load(pm, mapper) for obj in vars(m).itervalues(): try: adapted = IPlugin(obj, None) adapted = interface(adapted, None) except: log.err() else: if adapted is not None: yield adapted except ImportError, ie: log.msg(ie)
[docs]def retrieve_plugins(interface, parameters=None): """ Look up all plugins for a certain interface. If the plugin cache is enabled, this function will not attempt to reload plugins from disk or discover new plugins. :param interface interface: the interface to use :param dict parameters: parameters to pass into the plugins :returns: a dict of plugins, keyed by name :raises PluginException: no plugins could be found for the given interface """ log.msg("Discovering %s..." % interface) d = {} for p in get_plugins(interface, "bravo.plugins", parameters): try: verify_plugin(interface, p) d[] = p except PluginException: pass if issubclass(interface, ISortedPlugin): # Sortable plugins need their edges mirrored. d = add_plugin_edges(d) return d
[docs]def retrieve_named_plugins(interface, names, parameters=None): """ Look up a list of plugins by name. Plugins are returned in the same order as their names. :param interface interface: the interface to use :param list names: plugins to find :param dict parameters: parameters to pass into the plugins :returns: a list of plugins :raises PluginException: no plugins could be found for the given interface """ d = retrieve_plugins(interface, parameters) # Handle wildcards and options. names = expand_names(d, names) try: return [d[name] for name in names] except KeyError, e: raise PluginException("Couldn't find plugin %s for interface %s!" % (e.args[0], interface.__name__))
[docs]def retrieve_sorted_plugins(interface, names, parameters=None): """ Look up a list of plugins, sorted by interdependencies. :param dict parameters: parameters to pass into the plugins """ l = retrieve_named_plugins(interface, names, parameters) try: return sort_plugins(l) except KeyError, e: raise PluginException("Couldn't find plugin %s for interface %s!" % (e.args[0], interface))

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