How to administer Bravo

While Bravo is not a massively complex piece of software on its own, the plugins and features that are available in Bravo can be overwhelming and daunting. This page is a short but comprehensive overview for new administrators looking to set up and run Bravo instances.


Bravo uses a single configuration file, bravo.ini, for all of its settings. The file is in standard INI format. Note that this is not the extended INI format of Windows 32-bit configuration settings, nor the format of PHP’s configuration files. Specifically, bravo.ini is parsed and written using Python’s ConfigParser class.

An example configuration file is provided as bravo.ini.example, and is a good starting point for new configurations.

bravo.ini should live in one of three locations:

  1. /etc/bravo
  2. ~/.bravo
  3. The working directory

All three locations will be checked, in that order, and more-recently-loaded configurations will override configurations in previous directories. For sanity purposes, it is highly encouraged to either use /etc/bravo if running as root, or ~/.bravo if running as a normal user.

The configuration file is divided up into sections. Each section starts with a name, like [section name], and only ends when another section starts, or at the end of the file.

A note on lists

Bravo uses long lists of named plugins, and has special facilities for handling them.

If an option takes a list of choices, then the choices should be comma-separated. They may be on the same line, or multiple lines; spaces do not matter much. (As an aside, spaces matter inside plugin names, but Bravo’s plugin collection uses only underscores, not spaces, so this should not matter. If it does, bug your plugin authors to fix their code.)

Additionally, to simplify plugin naming, many plugin configuration options support wildcards. Currently, the “*” wildcard is supported. A “*” anywhere in an option list will be internally expanded to all of the available choices for that option.

The special notation “-” before a name will forcibly remove that name from a list.

Putting everything together, an example set of configurations might look like this:

some_option = first, second, third
some_newline_option = first, second,
    third, fourth
some_wildcard_option = *
some_picky_option = *, -fifth
another_picky_option = -fifth, -sixth, *

General settings

These settings apply to all of Bravo. This section is named [bravo].

Whether to enable the fancy console in standalone mode. This setting will be overridden if the fancy console cannot be set up; e.g. on Win32 systems.
Whether asynchronous chunk generators will be used. This can result in massive improvements to Bravo’s latency and responsiveness, and defaults to enabled. This setting will be overridden if Ampoule cannot be found.

World settings

These settings only apply to a specific world. Worlds are created by starting the section of the configuration with “world”; an example world section might start with [world example].

Which port to run on. Must be a number between 0 and 65535. Note that ports below 1024 are typically privileged and cannot be bound by non-root users.
The hostname to bind to. Defaults to no hostname, which is usually correct for most people. If you don’t know what this is, you don’t need it.
The path to the folder to use for loading and saving world data. Must be a valid URL.
Which authentication plugin to use.
Which serializer to use for saving worlds. Currently, the “alpha” and “beta” serializers are provided for MC Alpha and MC Beta compatibility, respectively.
Which build hooks to enable. This is a list of plugins; see above.
Which dig hooks to enable. This is a list of plugins.
Which Terrain generators to use. This is a list of plugins.
Which Seasons to enable. This, too, is a list of plugins.

Build hooks

Hooks marked with (Beta) provide Beta compatibility and should probably be enabled.

  • alpha_sand_gravel: Make sand and gravel fall as if affected by gravity. (Beta)
  • bravo_snow: Make snow fall as if affected by gravity.
  • build: Enable placement of blocks from inventory onto the terrain. (Beta)
  • build_snow: Adjust things built on top of snow to replace the snow. (Beta)
  • ladder: Make ladders stick to the wall onto which they are placed. (Beta)
  • lava: Enable physics for placed lava springs. (Beta)
  • redstone: Enable physics for placed redstone. (Beta)
  • tile: Register tiles. Required for signs, furnaces, chests, etc. (Beta)
  • torch: Make torches stick to the wall or floor correctly. (Beta)
  • tracks: Align minecart tracks. (Beta)
  • water: Enable physics for placed water springs. (Beta)

Dig hooks

  • alpha_sand_gravel: Make sand and gravel fall as if affected by gravity. (Beta)
  • alpha_snow: Destroy snow when it is dug or otherwise disturbed. (Beta)
  • bravo_snow: Make snow fall as if affected by gravity.
  • give: Spawn pickups for blocks and items destroyed by digging. (Beta)
  • lava: Enable physics for lava. (Beta)
  • redstone: Enable physics for redstone. (Beta)
  • replace: Enable blocks to be permanently dug out of the terrain. (Beta)
  • torch: Destroy torches that are not attached to walls or floors. (Beta)
  • tracks: Align minecart tracks. (Beta)
  • water: Enable physics for water. (Beta)


  • winter: Freeze ice and cover everything in snow.
  • spring: Thaw water and melt snow.

Plugin Data Files

Plugins have a standardized per-world storage. Only a few of the plugins that ship with Bravo use this storage. Each plugin has complete autonomy over its data files, but the file name varies depending on the serializer used to store the world. For example, when using the Alpha and Beta world serializers, the file name is <plugin>.dat, where <plugin> is the name of the plugin.

Bravo worlds have per-world IP ban lists. The IP ban lists are stored under the plugin name “banned_ips”, with one IP address per line.

Warps and homes are stored in hey0 CSV format, in “warps” and “homes”.

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